Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halfway Point!

We are officially halfway done!  Yay!  So exciting but yet soooo discouraging too.  The past 3 months have been long and hard and I have to do it all over again for the next 3 months.  I'm trying to stay positive.  Time does go by.  Right now I'm just looking forward to friday night.  It's Halloween and the boys and I are staying home.  L is sick :( poor guy!  He is not sleeping so the nights have been miserable and I'm exhausted but thankfully theres coffee!  hahaha  Lets just say I have had more than my usual 1 cup a day this week.  Ok, I take that back......I've had more than my usual 1 cup a day since day 1 of the academy!  I keep reminding myself that I only have to be a single parent for 3 more months and then never, never again!  I am such a better person and mom with Josh by my side.  I definitely need him!  So far this week he is hanging in there.  Range is still not easy as hes trying his best to figure it out.  He's not too worried and keeps reminding me not to worry.  The good news is his prescription sunglasses came in so he will have them for next week.  We are not sure how much they will really help because his eye sight isn't that bad and thats not really the problem but it couldnt hurt to have corrected 20-20 and a crisp picture of the target.  It might make it a little easier for him to adjust....who knows.....but it's worth a shot!  He has two more weeks to practice before they get tested out at the range so please continue the prayers. 
The CHP website has been better with staying pretty close to up to date pics and blog on what the cadets are learning/doing.  It's fun to look at.  Just go to the CHP website and click on life at the academy.  Josh's class is ctc iii-12.  :)  New pics just got posted today. 
So heres to the start of the last half of the academy.  Praying that the months/weeks/days fly by quickly for the boys, myself and of course for Josh and the other cadets! 

With Love,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 13

I skipped another week on the blog soooo heres a little on how week 12 went.  We are doing much better with time management and figuring out how to balance everything.  Still working on it but doing better.  Thank you for your prayers.  Last Mon the 22nd was our anniversary so last Sat Josh and I said goodnight to the boys and went out for a late dinner.....just the two of us! After dinner Josh drove me out to one of the many places we stopped at when he proposed and we danced outside of the car.  (Something we did a lot when we were dating) :)  It was wonderful.  Thank you to my sister for watching the boys.  We celebrated 7 years.  :)  Time sure does fly....another reminder that the next 3 months will too!  Week 12 at the academy was very encouraging.  The senior class graduated on Friday.  It's a breath of fresh air to see that there is an end in sight.  I can remember on orientation day seeing the senior class there and now knowing that they graduated and now Josh is in the same spot they were 3 months ago is very exciting.  So now with the senior class gone and the next class not starting until next mon......this week Joshs class is the ONLY class at the academy.  Not a fun week for the cadets I've heard.  :(  They call it "hell week".  Good times.  Please keep him in your prayers a little extra this week.  His body was soooo sore going into this week and I can only imagine the pain he is and prob will continue to feel the rest of the week.  All worth it in the end though right?!  :)  Thats what we keep telling ourselves.  The great thing about him working out so much is his body has definitely changed the past 3 months!  I cant even imagine how great he is going to look in 3 more months!  hahaha you have to look at the positives right?! :)
Soooo week 13 here we go!  I know its going to be a tough one for him but he is strong and he will do well.  Wed is the official halfway point!  YAY!  Then it's all down hill from there.  Another thing to pray for....Josh has discovered that he is cross dominant with his eye sight.  So he is having a little bit of a rough start out at the range.  What that means is he is right handed but his left eye is his dominate eye.  And to make it even more complex when he shoots left handed his right eye wants to be dominant so he sees double.  We ordered him prescription sunglasses which hopefully will help a little bit. I guess its pretty common and he just has to adjust.    He already feels a little better about it all but still has a lot of work and practice to do.  Just a little bump in the road...I'm sure we will come across many more in the next 3 months as the pace at the academy seems to never slow down.  Our next goal to reach is Thanksgiving.  He gets 4 days off!  I cant wait!   Crazy to think we are almost done with another month!  God has been so good to us through all this.  Time is going by and we are all hanging in there! 

With Love,

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 11

I didn't post last week so here is a little update on how it went.  Week 10!  Monday was horrible for Josh....very very homesick.....tues-fri went great!  It's pretty much like that every week.  You think I would  be use to it by now....but I'm not.  It's hard to hear him missing us, hard to watch the boys cry for him, hard to try and put a huge smile on my face when most of the time I want to give up.  This is not getting easier but its still due able.  Nothing about not having my Husband around is fun.  I am so thankful we are almost half way done.  If there wasn't an end in sight I don't think I could do it anymore.  We both have to remind each other that its only 6 months and pretty soon we will be to the half way point!  Yay!  So a funny story last week.  When Josh got back to his room and started to unpack his bag he found a little surprise.  :)  L decided to pack lightning McQueen and Mater for daddy!  hahaha  We are so thankful they didn't have a room inspection on Mon.  I could just see it now.  Josh getting in trouble for having toys in his room.  hahaha   We were smarter this week and kept Josh's bag out of reach.  :)

So we are staring week 11.  Yesterday was Josh's birthday.  We had a pretty good weekend.  Once again crazy busy with way too much to do.  Never enough time.  It's getting pretty exhausting saying the same thing every weekend, "next weekend we will be better and get up earlier so I (Josh) will have more time to play with the boys." It's a constant battle weekend after's sooooo hard say no to S when he is begging daddy to play with him but the sad reality is theres just not enough time to do it all.  We didn't have time to go to church again this weekend but we went anyway because we didn't go last weekend because we didn't have time.  It's crazy because you think well hes home all weekend.....but really he's not.  Really being home is just a distraction.  He really needs to study more, practice more, prepare for the week better.  I'm worried.  I don't want Josh to "just" graduate.  I want him to feel as prepared as possible when he gets on the road.  He feels the same way.  We both feel we need to be better.  We need to work harder.  It just sucks to sacrifice more time than what we already do.  It sucks that I don't really have a husband right now anyway and the tiny bit of time that I do I need to give it up.  I have to remind myself that we can still do chp work together so technically we are still spending time together just not the way we would prefer.  It's a battle we are trying to figure out.  Trying to find a healthy balance.  We don't want to say no to family and friends but we cant keep doing what we are doing.  Josh didn't get back to the academy until 11:30 last night because he still had so much to do.  He cant do that!  He prob only got 4 hrs of sleep which isn't unheard of during the week but on a Sunday night there is no reason for that. He needs his sleep.  I love him coming home every weekend but I'm starting to wonder if it's the best thing for him.  We always over commit ourselves and Sunday afternoon we are going crazy trying to get it all done.  Feeling rushed, emotional and just completely overwhelmed.  I don't think I can do it anymore.  I'm tired.   All in all though we are still doing good.  It's just not fun and some adjusting needs to be made.  *sigh*  It's just hard!  I'm sorry if this post seems like I'm just complaining.......well I pretty much am.  It's really all going to be OK.  It's not the end of the world and we will get through this and figure it out.  Theres a lot to be grateful for.  A lot of good has already come out of this situation and we look forward to the blessings it will bring in the future.  It's just a season in our lives and it too shall pass.  :)  I'm hopeful and know that we are in good hands.  We just want to make sure we are giving it our all and doing our part too!  Prayers much needed for both of us to be better.  Thank you.

With Love,

Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 8..Check, Week we go!

Week 8....check!  Week we go.  2 months behind us...only 4 to go.  At the end of this week we are 1/3 of the way done!  whoo hoo :)  I didn't post last week because it was a pretty crazy week.  I potty trained L.  It started off really really good and is still going good but not great.  Last thurs we only had one partial accident, friday NO accidents and then sat we had two and yesterday one.  So he is still doing good, just not great!  So I'm hoping today we will be back to NO accidents.  :)  Wishful thinking?  probably, but we will see.  So with all of that going on I didn't find the energy to write. 

So it's October! This is mine and Josh's month! 8 years ago today was the first day that he bought me flowers asking if we could just be "friends" hahaha.....13 days later we had our first kiss and he asked me to be his "girlfriend" :) 1 yr and 8 days later we said our vows and I became his wife! :) Love October! Best month ever! 

I still have been able to talk to Josh on the phone every night which is a huge blessing.  I love hearing about his days.  We had a very busy but great weekend.  I am so thankful he was here.  Sat was was my moms birthday.  She would have turned 50!  The big 50.  It's crazy to think how different that day would have been if she was still alive.  I'm sure I would have thrown a huge party!  I know I would have thrown a huge party!  :)  I did great most of the day.  Lost it a little in the morning but was comforted by Josh.  So glad he was there to hold me.  I'm not sure if it will ever get easier like they say it will.  Its still hard and it still sucks.  I miss her.  I tried so hard to be strong because I didn't want to add stress to Josh but didn't quit make it.  It helped having friends over sat night just to get my emotions under control.  Josh has always been the one to get me through these tough times so I'm not sure how I'm going to do without him.  Trying not to think about it too much. 

This week is a big week for him.  He started EVOC (driving) today.  YAY!  Very exciting for him.   I know he is going to do great and I cant wait to hear all about it tonight.  Keep him in your prayers this week please.  A lot going on.  :)  Sunday nights are still really hard but getting better.  We had a very eventful night last night.  When we drove Josh to our pick-up/drop-off place to head back to the academy a truck driver approached us and asked if we lived around here and if we knew anyone who owned a tractor to help him......his truck was high centered STUCK in the dirt!  Ummmmmm...........ok what do we do?  We didn't have a chain with us and I really doubt if we did we could do anything.  Joshs ride was about 10-15 min behind so we sat there watching this guy completely hopeless.  He knew nobody around here......he was stuck!  You could just see in his eyes that his whole world was ending.  I looked at Josh and said I don't know how but we have to help this guy.  Josh felt the same way.  We called a friend who came out with his truck, a chain, a shovel, and some wood and less than an hour later the truck driver was on his way back on the road!  God is good!  Grant you Rock!  Josh wasn't able to stay and watch/help because his ride showed up and on the road back to the academy they went but S insisted that we stay and watch so we did.  The driver later told Grant (our friend who came to the rescue) that if he had to call a tow truck out to help him he would have lost his job!  No wonder he looked like his world was going to end!  I am so thankful we were able to lend a helping hand and so thankful for amazing friends who are willing to drop everything to come help a total stranger! 

With Love,