Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Intro and Day 1!

Hello, my name is Trina and I am starting this blog because my husband Josh just started the California Highway Patrol Academy.  For those of you who don't know us here is a little info and for our family and friends who do know us I hope this will be a way to keep you posted on how we are doing and prayer needs.  This October we will be celebrating 7 yrs of marriage and we have two boys S who is 4 and L who will be 2 next month.  We started this journey over 3 yrs ago when our first son was 8 mo. old and here we are today one day down of the academy life!  I have never blogged or even thought about blogging before but after following another cadets wife's blog (peasant living) who is currently half way through the process I quickly changed my mind.  She has inspired me in so many ways and I hope I will be able to do the same for someone out there who will be or is currently going through this craziness too.  I do not plan on filtering my thoughts on this blog.  I am not going to pretend that this process is easy because after only one day into it I can tell you it is extremely difficult!  However, we serve an Amazing God who gives us Hope and through this process I know he will bless us. 

Day 1:
We survived!  :)  Josh and I were blessed by family as we were able to spend the whole weekend up in Sacramento together.  We had a great weekend.  The craziness began for us on Sunday as we attended the CHP orientation along with what felt like 500 other people!  I am not sure how many people are in Josh's class but somewhere around 160.  I want to share just a little story on how the Lord as already blessed us.  Like I mentioned earlier I have been following another cadets wife's blog and so has another cadets wife.  She and I last week commented on one of her posts thanking her for the blog and informing her our husbands would soon be joining hers.  So here I am at orientation with around 500 other cadets and their families and during break I start chatting with a wife who is sitting directly behind me.  Come to find out she was the other blogger who commented on the same blog I did!!!!  what are the odds?!  God is so good.  I gave her my info and we have connected since then.  I ask that you would keep their family in your prayers as well.  Her husbands name is Brian and they have 3 girls.  If any specific prayer requests come up I will let you know. 

So last night I received an unexpected phone call from Josh!  I just started crying when I heard my phone ring and saw that it was him.  I quickly took a deep breath held my tears in and answered like everything was going great at home.  He was tearful and sounded overwhelmed and just exhausted.  He reassured me that he was doing great and can do this.  I am so proud of him!  For those of you that don't know Josh he can do anything he sets his mind to and he never gives up.  He knows what he wants and goes after it.  Josh never settles for second best and is always eager to grow and follow where the Lord leads him.  He has only been gone 1 day and I already miss him like crazy.  It was a huge blessing just to hear his voice last night even if it was for only a few min and to know that he is ok.  He told me they had one cadet who already dropped out.  I look forward to hearing his voice again.  He said he was doubtful they will be able to turn on cell phones again until Friday but then again he wasn't suppose to be able to turn it on last night either.  So you just never know.  In the meantime I will try to get a grip of these tears and go on with my days.  Thank you to those of you who are praying for us and care enough to read and follow this blog.  We appreciate you very much. 

With Love,


  1. Praying for you guys as you go through this new journey!

  2. Trina read your blog you and the other wives are strong supportive women. God gave you the strength to be able to do this journey. You are an amazing woman of God. You are a modern day Proverbs woman. May Gods peace and strength be with you all! Cindy

  3. Trina read your blog you and the other wives are strong supportive women. God gave you the strength to be able to do this journey. You are an amazing woman of God. You are a modern day Proverbs woman. May Gods peace and strength be with you all! Cindy
